Connect your Hygraph project to EasyTranslate

EasyTranslate's language solutions platform gives you easy access to professional, high-quality translation, interpretation, and localization services for any market. Thousands of businesses from all industries - from small eCommerce to large enterprises - use EasyTranslate's software to generate content from simple keywords, recruit freelance translators or automate translation flows from various platforms.

What you can do with the Hygraph-EasyTranslate integrationAnchor

  • The Hygraph-EasyTranslate integration allows your team to sync/submit your content from Hygraph to EasyTranslate, where you can localize your content either automatically or done by your team, then import it back into your CMS seamlessly

Prerequisites to use this integrationAnchor

  • You must have a Hygraph account. If you don't have one, you can create one here.
  • You must have a Hygraph project.
  • You must have an EasyTranslate account. If you don't have one, you can create one here.
  • You must have an EasyTranslate Personal access token. You will find it in your EasyTranslate account by navigating to Integrations > Hygraph.
  • You must have a Library created in EasyTranslate. This document explains how to create one.
  • You must have a Team set up in EasyTranslate. This video shows you how to set up your translators team.

Apps are environment specific. This means their configuration is applied per environment. Take this into consideration if you're working with a project using more than one environment.

Install the EasyTranslate appAnchor

Click here to install the EasyTranslate App on Hygraph, then follow these steps:

  1. Use the the dropdowns to select which project and environment you want to install the app in, then click on the Install App button. You should be redirected to your Hygraph project dashboard.
  2. Click on Authorize app on the permissions screen.
  3. Fill in the following information:
    • Personal access token: You can find this information in your EasyTranslate account by navigating to Integrations > Hygraph. Once you add this token, you can use the dropdowns to select a team and library.
    • Team: Use the the dropdown to select which team you want to configure the app for. Here's some information on how to set up a translators team in your EasyTranslate account.
    • Library: Use the the dropdown to select which library you want to configure the app for. Here's some information on how to create a library in your EasyTranslate account.
  4. Select at least one of the listed Translatable models to use EasyTranslate in. This information can be edited later by going to the Apps section of your Hygraph project, then clicking on the pencil icon on the EasyTranslate card to edit the details.
  5. Click on the Save button.

Use EasyTranslate in your Hygraph projectAnchor

As you create content, it will display in the EasyTranslate app view of the Content editor. From there, you will be able to send your content for translation to EasyTranslate, then sync those translations with your Hygraph content.

Please note that only the content created using the Model that you selected during the EasyTranslate installation process will display on this list.

You can edit this from your Hygraph project by navigating to Apps > EasyTranslate, clicking on the pencil icon to edit, then using the checkboxes to select the models you want.

Finally, after syncing the content, you will be able to visualize the translated content normally by accessing the Content editor.

Send for translationAnchor

There are two ways to send your content for translation:

The following fields are supported to be exported to EasyTranslate:

  • Single-line text
  • Multi-line text
  • Markdown
  • Richtext
  • Slug

Export is also supported for Basic and Modular Components, but only for the supported field types.

Take into account that only localizable fields can be submitted to EasyTranslate. So the fields must be set as localized fields when added to the model.

Localized field checkbox
Localized field checkbox

You will find the Localized field checkbox at the bottom of the field details screen, which displays when you create or edit a field in the Schema editor.

Send multiple entriesAnchor

  1. Navigate to the content editor.
  2. Find EasyTranslate under the App views section of the right sidebar.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the desired content from the list, and send it to EasyTranslate by clicking on Send for Translation at the top right of the form. It is also possible to filter content entries by Model and Locale using the dropdowns at the top of the form.

The system then sends the content to EasyTranslate for translation. After work on that content is finished, you can sync the content to bring those translations to Hygraph.

Send single entryAnchor

  1. Navigate to the content editor.
  2. Find EasyTranslate under the App views section of the right sidebar.
  3. Find the entry you want to send and click on the pencil icon to access the edit view.
  4. Click on the Send for translation button on the sidebar.

The system then sends the content to EasyTranslate for translation. After work on that content is finished, you can sync the content to bring those translations to Hygraph.


After sending content for translation to EasyTranslate, it will be translated and saved there. You can then bring that content back to Hygraph by syncing.

There are two ways of syncing your content:

Sync multiple entriesAnchor

  1. Navigate to the EasyTranslate app view of the Content editor.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the entries whose translations you want to sync, then click on the Sync button at the top right of the form.
  3. The form will refresh and the entries will now contain the translated content as localizations.

Sync single entryAnchor

  1. Navigate to the EasyTranslate app view of the Content editor.
  2. Find the entry you want to sync and click on the pencil icon to access the edit view.
  3. Click on the Sync with EasyTranslate button on the sidebar.
  4. The localized fields will now display the translated content.
  5. Click on Save or Save and Publish.

Visualize translationsAnchor

  1. Navigate to the content editor, and select the view of the model you included EasyTranslate in.
  2. Edit an entry that you synced a translation for by clicking on the pencil icon. The content will display at the center of the screen.
  3. You will find the Localizations section in the right sidebar. You have the following options:
    1. Click on the + icon to add a translation.
    2. Click on the trash icon to delete a translation.
    3. Click on the eye icon to visualize a translation in the editor.

Visualize translations
Visualize translations


If the Content Editor displays the message This model has no localized fields under localizations in the sidebar, while the Schema Editor has localizations configured, go to Project settings > Locales. There, make sure your project has at least two languages configured.

Locales in project settings
Locales in project settings

If you have only one language configured there, select another language for localizations using the Display name dropdown, then click on Add.

Please note that free plans can have a maximum of 2 locales.
